Guides to Research and Teaching

Guides to the Collection

The Latin American and Caribbean Collection contains approximately 500,000 print volumes and 50,000 reels of microfilm. To navigate these vast resources, we have prepared the following general guides to the Collection.

Info on films, data, articles, and more

Latin American Studies

This guide will help students researching topics related to Latin America using resources from the Latin American and Caribbean Collection at the University of Florida and from outside institutions.

Rare and Unique resources

Latin American and Caribbean Special Collections

This libguide includes archival collections related to Latin America and the Caribbean. It also includes information on rare books and digital collections. It is organized by region. The material listed here can be consulted in Special Collections.

Digital collections, Projects, Exhibits

Latin American & Caribbean Digital Initiatives

Guide with information for digital resources related to Latin America and the Caribbean.

Newspapers and other resources

Microfilm in the Latin American and Caribbean Collection

Guide to microfilm holdings and collections in the Latin American and Caribbean Collection

Current and Historical news sources

Latin American and Caribbean Newspapers and Current Events

Guide to Latin American newspapers on microfilm, in print, and digitally accessible at the University of Florida.

Links to oral histories from Latin America, the Caribbean, and the DIaspora

Oral Histories from Latin America

Guide to Oral Histories of Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and the Panama Canal; Oral Histories from Latin America: Latina/o Diaspora in the Americas Project (LDAP), La Casita, and The History of the Jewish Community in El Salvador; and the Latin American Feminist Oral History Archive

Explore digital and archival resources

Panama and the Canal at UF

Panama and the Canal at UF: Home This guide discusses the Smather's Libraries holdings for the Panama Canal Zone, including digital collections.

databases and open access resources

Caribbean Research Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide general information on how to use certain databases and certain Open Access resources to do research related to the Caribbean, including JSTOR, WorldCat, ProQuest, dLOC and more.

Explore photographs and texts from the exhibit

The Cuban American Dream

This libguide includes resources related to the exhibit The Cuban American Dream hosted at the Smathers Library from March 27 to June 2nd, 2017.

Course Guides

Modern Caribbean

An overview on the material that the Libraries at the University of Florida hold on nineteenth and twentieth century Caribbean history. For this guide, the Caribbean includes the West Indies, the Guianas, and Belize.

Tourism and the Caribbean

Materials that highlight the development of tourism and its relationship to culture and the rise of U.S. power in the Caribbean from the 1890s to the present.