The Cuban American Dream
The Cuban American Dream explores the reasons behind the immigration of Cubans to Florida from the 16th to the 21st century, the pressure that such immigration brought to local and state governments, the reactions of Floridian communities to Cuban immigrants, the ways in which Cuban immigrants adapted to their new reality, and the contribution of Cuban immigration to Florida. Curated by Margarita Vargas-Betancourt with assistance from Alexis Baldacci.

Mysteries of an Autograph
The works on display in Mysteries of an Autograph highlights autographed books that draw attention to the specificity of Latin American cultural legacy and examine the connections between the authors, autograph recipients, and donors.Curated by Margarita Vargas-Betancourt with assistance from Antonio Cardentey.

Voices from the Panama Canal
Voices from the Panama Canal is an effort to represent the different voices that make up the history of the Canal, a history rich because of its diversity, but also dynamic and conflictive. Curated by Paul Losch and Margarita Vargas-Betancourt. This exhibition is based on the research and work of UF graduate students in ARH 6836 Exhibition Seminar, Fall 2013.

Revolucionarias: Women and the Formation of the Cuban Nation
Revolucionarias: Women and the Formation of the Cuban Nation examines the centralizing role of women in Cuban revolutions and history. The bilingual exhibition features photographs and archival documents, as well as recent acquisitions from the Smathers Libraries Special and Area Studies Collections. Curated by Margarita Vargas-Betancourt and Lillian Guerra with assistance from Alexis Baldacci and Daniel J. Fernandez-Guevara.