Flier for the National Arab American Heritage book display
National Arab American Heritage Month, April 2023
In honor of Arab American Heritage Month this year, we created a display with a few books we selected from our collection. Come by and explore our resources!

Books in LACC
Below is a list of a few print books we selected from our stacks. Stop by LACC and check out a book that is currently on display!
- Agar Corbinos, Lorenzo., and Raymundo. Kabchi. El mundo árabe y América Latina. 1. ed. Madrid: Ediciones UNESCO, 1997. Print. LAC; F1419.A7 M86 1997
- Mawṣilī, Ilyās, and Caesar E. Farah. An Arab’s Journey to Colonial Spanish America: the Travels of Elias Al-Mûsili in the Seventeenth Century. 1st ed. New York: Syracuse University Press, 2003. Print. LAC; E143.M3913 2003
- Civantos, Christina. Between Argentines and Arabs: Argentine Orientalism, Arab Immigrants, and the Writing of Identity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. Print. LAC; F2810.C54 2006
- Hyland, Steven. More Argentine Than You: Arabic-Speaking Immigrants in Argentina. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2017. Print. LAC (F3021.A59 H95 2017)
- Araújo, Heloísa Vilhena de. “Diálogo América do Sul–países árabes.” Brasília: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão-FUNAG, Instituto de Pesquisa de Relações Internacionais-IPRI, 2005. Print. LAC (DS63.18. S46 2004)
- Sagarzazu, María Elvira. La Argentina encubierta : informes sobre la otra identidad. Rosario [Argentina: Ovejero Martín Editores, 2000. Print. LAC (F3021.A59 S34 2000)
- Rafide, Matías. Escritores chilenos de origen arabe : ensayo y antología. 1a ed. Chile: Instituto Chileno-Arabe de Cultura, 1989. Print. Latin America Reference (PQ7934.A7 R331 1989)
- Soler, Luis. As raízes árabes, na tradição poético-musical do sertão nordestino. Recife: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Editora Universitária, 1978. Print. LAC (PQ9691.N59 S64)
- Mawṣilī, Ilyās, and Caesar E. Farah. An Arab’s Journey to Colonial Spanish America: the Travels of Elias Al-Mûsili in the Seventeenth Century. 1st ed. New York: Syracuse University Press, 2003. Print. LAC (E143 .M3913 2003)
- González, Nancie L. Solien. Dollar, Dove, and Eagle: One Hundred Years of Palestinian Migration to Honduras. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992. Print. LAC (JV419. G64 1992)
- Pastor, Camila. The Mexican Mahjar : Transnational Maronites, Jews, and Arabs Under the French Mandate. First edition. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2017. Print. LAC (F1392.A7 P37 2017)
- Valenzuela Motz, Nelson Aníbal. Los inmigrantes árabes en Honduras: una historia en imágenes = Arab immigrants in Honduras: an illustrated history. Primera edición. Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., Honduras, C.A: Grupo Votz Editores, 2016. Print. LAC (F1517.A73 V35 2016)
- Karam, John Tofik. “Distinguishing Arabesques: The Politics and Pleasures of Being Arab in Neoliberal Brazil.” Thesis (Ph.D.) –Syracuse University, 2004., 2004. Print. LAC (F2659.A7 K373 2004a)
- Saddy, Fehmy. Arab-Latin American Relations: Energy, Trade, and Investment. New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Transaction Books, 1983. Print. LAC (HF1480.55. A65 A7 1983)
- Civantos, Christina. Between Argentines and Arabs: Argentine Orientalism, Arab Immigrants, and the Writing of Identity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. Print. LAC (F2810 .C54 2006)
- Hurtado, Ana Maria. et al. Palestine in the South. Santiago, Chile: Antipoder, 2011. Film. Latin America Ltd. Cir. (F3285.A7 P35 2011)
- González, Romig, Jimmy Sierra, and Rámon Abreu. Los árabes en la hispaniola y la cuestión palestina. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic?}: Oasis Audiovisual, 2013. Film. Latin America Ltd. Cir. (F1941.A73 A73 2013)
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